This important certification helps inmates secure jobs in welding industries after their release. More than 40 inmates have received welder certification training and there are currently 24 certified welders in the shop. The training and testing is provided by Certified Welding Instructors (CWI) from Interra-Inc., an independent consultant that provides comprehensive evaluations. All craftsmen in the Metal Shop can train and apply for the AWS D1.1, Structural Welding Code – Steel Flux Core Arc Welding (FCAW) certification from the American Welding Society (AWS). In the ACI industrial yard, where the majority of the products sold outside the Department of Corrections are fabricated, there are several certification programs available to skilled inmates. The inmates working in the program not only learn the value of teamwork and satisfaction in creating quality products, but for many they are earning certifications from independent auditors attesting to their mastery of new technical skills. Throughout its 23 shops and 27 labor contract partnerships, Arizona Correctional Industries (ACI) has taken to heart its mission to provide job skills training. For more information on NCIA News, please go to National Correctional Industry Association. This article originally appeared in the Spring 2016 issue of NCIA News. Inmates Earn Certifications Attesting to their Mastery of Technical Skills