Xiaolin showdown shen gong wu list
Xiaolin showdown shen gong wu list

Zing Zom-Bone - Turns user into a zombie. Gills of Hamachi - Let's user breath underwater. Sphere of Yun - Traps opponent in a sphere and takes their powers. Emperor Scorpion - Controlls the mala mala jong four. Mosaic Scale - contains a monster thing called sabeeny? Monarch Wings - Gives Sabeeny power to live without a hist. Lasso Boa Boa - like a snake and a rock thing. Crouching Cougar - A jungle transportation wu. Shadow of Fear - Gives user access into opponents mind making their worst fear real. Mind Reader Conch - Can read peoples minds. Sweet Baby Among Us - A huge golden baby that shoots nappies(diapers) Ruby of Ramses - Moves objects at users will. Ju-Ju Flytrap - Shoots stinging flies at opponent. Tunnel Armadillo - an underground transportation device. Thorn of Thunderbolt - Shoots blasts of thunderbolts. Glove of Jisaku - Is like a big magnetic glove that can attract wu. Wings of Tinabi - Let's user fly, this needs good concerntration to use. Wushu Helmet - It can decflect anything that hits it. Crystal Glasses - User can see into the future. Silver Manta Ray - A plane type manta ray. Shard of Lightning - Makes user move at the speed of light. Reversing Mirror - Used to reverse effects of other Shen gong wu and make Wuya flesh(combined with the serpent's tail. Heart of Jong - Makes Mala mala jong alive, made the snowman(Raksha) alive and dude bot. Sun Chi Lantern - Combines the chi of everyone in the light. Tongue of Saiping - User can talk to animals. Longi Kite - Lets user fly with dragon wings. Lotus Twister - Makes user all rubbery and strechy. Orb of Tornami - Makes floods or Omi-sicles. Serpent's Tail - the user can travel through solid objects. Sapphire Dragon - A dragon which turns people into sapphire and can be combined with the shadow of fear. Falcon's Eye - User can see through things. Ring of the Nine Dragons - Makes user split into dumber copies, up to nine copies can be made. Helmet of Jong - Gives user eyes on the back of their head. Sword of the Storm - A sword which makes tornados. Golden Tiger Claws - Transport to anywhere user desires. Tangle Web Comb - Binds opponent in a wrap which comes out of the combs teeth. Jetbootsu - Allows user to fly, float and walk up walls. Fist of Tebigong - A hard gauntlet type thing, blocks and attacks. Third-Arm Sash - Just like having a third arm around your waste. Eye of Dashi - Releases bolts of electricity. Two-Ton Tunic - Heavy and can block all sorts of attacks. Mantis Flip Coin - Allows user to do high jumps and flips. Here's a list of SGW, if I foget any pm me them and their uses.

Xiaolin showdown shen gong wu list